Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference holds symposium on NGO and BRI at Peace Garden
Date:2017-07-14    Count:24567

In the morning of July 13th, a delegation led by ZHAO Wenzhi, Deputy-Secretary and Vice Chairman of Party Committee of Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference including leading officials from relevant professional commissions and departments visited China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation which are under the direction of Dr. LI Ruohong who is also a member of the consultative body.

The delegation paid a visit to the Peace Garden Museum where they viewed a theme documentary showcasing the achievement by China World Peace Foundation in promoting civil diplomacy after the reform and opening-up. Dr. LI made an introduction of the Foundation’s work at various fronts to respond to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) at the symposium and he also updated what is going on diplomatic public welfare, financial public welfare, global governance, cross-cultural cooperation in the context of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development. He also elaborated the cohesion and influence advantage possessed by his international volunteer team following the Peace+1 pathway in carrying out public good.

Vice Chairman ZHAO quoted President XI’s frequent remarks that resources from various local communities and positive advantages of civil diplomacy shall be fully explored in order to widen our outlook to play a more contributing role. As an important functional body, political consultative conference shall connect well with NGOs, build a non-governmental platform of exchanges with the foreign countries, and promote international exchanges and cooperation. Current social environment is providing favorable conditions for this kind of work.

Vice Chairman ZHAO also expressed affirmation to the achievement made by China World Peace Foundation and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation in promoting civil diplomacy after being informed of a consensus reached at the end of an expert meeting of interactive cultural atlas co-organized by UNESCO and Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation. The meeting, after defining the scope, structure, theme and objective of the cultural atlas from nine sectors, saw a successful conclusion by releasing Peace Garden Declaration. ZHAO highly acclaimed the positive role the Foundation has played to advance the connectivity of peoples’ heart under the framework of Belt and Road by unfolding multi-level and multi-channel diplomatic activities. She said that since the state has already clarified direction, we shall establish our foothold in Beijing and incorporate this task into a new work agenda. As there is a great pipeline of talents specialized in different areas in the political consultative conference, it is fitting for the body to develop civil diplomacy across the board. Both sides should connect more closely in light of the great experience and achievement made by Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation led by Dr. LI Ruohong.

The two sides also talked about the content of the projects such as an interactive cultural atlas of cultural interactions, Peace Garden Peace Festival and International Peace and Sports Forum, and tentatively arranged the timetable for the implementation of the work. Both sides agreed to build a data platform to realize resource sharing in the areas of culture and economy. Sustainable programs need to be selected to push forward the Five Connectivity so as to provide service for the state. 

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